Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hit Them Where it Hurts

   The oligarchy is ruthless. They poison us, they manipulate us through mass psychology, they start wars for their own personal benefit, and they've completely hijacked our government, legal system, and economy. Now that we have an understanding of the tactics being used against us, it's time to start fighting back. Our government will continue selling us and future generations into debt slavery unless we take action into our own hands. Nobody is going to help us, we have to do it ourselves. First we need to acquire a general understanding of how the financial system works and what these bankers actually do, and then it will become perfectly obvious that there are several ways to legally undermine this corrupt system and bring about its collapse.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Art of Psychological Warfare

   The oligarchy, the elite, the ruling class, call them whatever you will, but know that they are the puppet masters. They're very good at controlling the masses, and they've been perfecting the methods by which they do this for many years. This post is going to cover the most valuable tool that the elite have at their disposal. It's known by many names; public relations, propaganda, mass psychology, shock and awe. I think a more accurate description of what they do to us is psychological warfare. After all, the tactics they use all have analogous applications on the battle field. Understanding these tactics is the only way to avoid falling victim to them, and thus countering them.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Know Your Enemy

   There's a global awakening underway that's threatening to reshape the entire financial and geopolitical system as we know it. Some of us have been awake for quite some time, and have been watching events unfold around the world with a mixed sense of hope and apprehension. We've studied history, we've studied the elite, and we have a very good sense of what their goals are and how they go about implementing their agenda. The majority of us, however, have only recently started realizing that the elite consider us their peasants, and wish to exploit us at every opportunity for their own personal gain. Rather than go online and research exactly how the world works and how to go about changing it, these “newly awakened” have taken to the streets demanding change. They see the greed and corruption on the surface, but fail to comprehend the level of intelligence, careful long-term planning, and pure evil that permeates the oligarchical class.